Children & Families 


We welcome children and are used to a little noise – indeed the sound of children is a vital sign of life! To support young children and their parents/carers we have a Children’s Corner at the back of the church which is well-stocked with books and toys.

We also have a supply of bags containing books, crayons and paper to use in the pews – please ask a steward if you would like one.

Dickie Birds

“Two little dickie birds, sitting on a wall, one named Peter, one named Paul”

Dickie Birds provides a warm welcome to all under 5s, along with their parents, grandparents or other carers.

Sunday School / Junior Church

Sunday School is entirely child-centred. This is a place where children can meet up safely and enjoy social interaction with others, share bread/news, sing songs, listen to stories and do activities all focused around and following the Gospel of the day. We have a mission box supporting the Children’s Society where children are invited to place small offerings. This helps them learn that their money will go to help children who are less fortunate than themselves. Children are excited to receive stickers for attendance and enjoy special events that happen throughout the year especially prize-giving.

We are always delighted to welcome new children. Children may attend from the age of 3 years and up and are enrolled by completing a registration form. There are safeguarding policies and procedures in place and every session is led by qualified, regular and caring staff. We meet weekly during the morning family service 10.30am in the Upper Room at the back of the church. Please speak to one of the current leaders, Dawn, Marie or Jane, before or after the morning service to enrol your child or if you would like more details.